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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Historical Revision and You; or, Why America is Not a "Christian Nation"

With the presidential election heating up, both sides of the political spectrum are hunkered down in the trenches, regurgitating party lines and doing their best to convince independents and undecided to vote for one guy of the other. Now, I live in west Texas, one of the most conservative parts of the country. And one thing that I keep hearing repeated on radio and from people I encounter at college is that this is a "Christian nation", founded by Christian men on Christian values for Christians. Which is bullshit. Look people, it's okay to be proud of your faith, but it's quite another to go around trying to take credit for stuff that your religion had little or nothing to do with. Like founding Western Civilization of the scientific method. If the Constitution is based upon Christian values, please cite any and all biblical references within it and provide evidence that things like free speech, equality, and equal representation were pioneered only by Christians, and never existed before that religion did (hint; the Greeks invented democracy). If it is framed upon one of the chapters of law in Deuteronomy as some claim, please post the chapter and verse. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and stop trying to force your religious beliefs into state affairs. It's funny how if Muslims or Hindus tried that shit, Christians, like the rest of us, would be up in arms, and rightfully so. But when you guys try it, we're all commies and traitors if we contradict your historical revision that is actively dumbing down the population. Most of the Founders were Christians, yet the most influential ones were Freemasons and Deists. Most, if not all of them were united in the opinion that state and church were separate spheres that should not meet, and that everyone had the right to believe what they wanted without persecution of either the government or private interests. So stop trying to screw around with everyone else. And no, I'm not generalizing about all Christians, since a lot of them are thankfully smarter than this.


  1. They've been brainwashed by David Barton and the modern-day spinoffs from the 70s' "Moral Majority" movement. IMHO it dates to when Carter beat Ford, as a true born-again he was the antidote to the memory of the Nixon administration. In order to beat a Southern born-again, the republicans had to out-Christian Carter. Since they didn't have any true Christians in their arsenal and had to settle for Ronald Reagan, who was anything but, they had to get into bed with the religious right. From then on the religious right felt more and more emboldened to interfere in government and became true bullies.

    (or they were always that way and I wasn't aware of them until then)

    David Barton got his baloney inserted into homeschool history books and possibly even into state-approved history books for public schools. They will continue to believe his baloney even though he's been discredited.

  2. I would not say that both sides of the political are "hunkered down in the trenches, regurgitating party lines (etc.)". It's really only down to Obama and Romney. Although it's not actually that (I really, really hope): http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21528840.200-the-us-presidential-election-is-no-contest.html

    1. How are they not hunkered down in the trenches when the whole election was down to the two of them, and no one was paying attention to third party candidates?

  3. oh, oh, also I wouldn't exactly say the Greeks invented democracy; they really only formalised it. The first hunter-gatherer societies were predominantely led by voted leaders- probably (by which I mean; as bloody certain as it's possible to get without actually having a time machine)

    1. [citation needed]. Also, the Greeks had the earliest recorded form of democracy, although I don't doubt that it was developed at other places independently of their influence.

  4. HOW CAN YOU (AMERICANS IN GENERAL) HAVE SUCH A CLOSE ELECTION, WHEN ONE OF THE SIDES HAS A REPUBLICAN? I mean, by that, what kind of thinking could possibly endorse Romney after thinking carefully about it and actually deciding to vote on merit and not on the basis that it is what you (and your fammily) have always done. I realise this is coming from a country that thinks that Liberals are left-wing (yeah, we have something called socialism here, you should try it some day. Sorry for the rant, but my [rage mode] has sent me into alter-ego form. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  5. Umber: It's because half the population is semi-literate and easily misled, and half of those are fundamentalist religious wackos. There's an element of racial paranoia in the mix, too.
